1.1 Background of the Study
“Scent leaf1Ocimum gratissimum, Ibibio named – Nton, Hausa- daidoyarta, Yoruba- Elim. Ocimum gratissimum belongs to the family Lamiaceae (Labiatue). Its common name is tea bush, habitat shrub. Ocimum gratissimum is an herbaceous perennial grass which is woody at its base. It is a shrub with aromatic smell in the crushed form. It is pantropical and widely naturalized in many regions.
Ocimum gratissimum prefers wet and fertile conditions,. Ocmum gratissimum can become very invasive and form localized cense. (Agomo, 2012).
“Bitter leaf’ Vernonia amygdalina, Ibibio named- Etidod, Ibo-ofigbo, Yoruba-Ewuro, belongs to the family Asteraceae. It originates, from tropical Africa, it is a small tree that grows throughout tropical Africa. In some parts of West Africa (e.g. Nigeria), the plant has: been domesticated and is locally known as bitter leaves.
The aim and objectives of this research was to contribute to know-edge and to the development of science in general. Also, to identify the medicinal components present in these plants and ultimately to compare the occurrence of the various chemical component screened, These plants are well as mineral determination.
I’he research work on phytochemical screening of “Ocmuim grastissimum and Vernonia amygdalin” is limited to the saponins, tannins, flavonoids, alkaloids, anthraquinones and cardiac glycosides.
Phytochemical: Is defined as a chemical obtained from plant hat is biologically active but not nutritive.
Screening: To go through carefully to find exactly what is wanted or not wanted.