This project work is focused on the role of
leadership in promoting creativity and innovation (the case study of NBL). The project work is aimed at examining the
effects of leadership role on creativity and innovation, the factors and
challenges expected by leaders and employees during creative process. The
writer employed the use of historical research method. In review of related literature in chapter
two of this work. In chapter three, the researcher made use of survey research
plan in which questionnaire were split into two sections: questionnaire on
leadership and employees opinion concerning creativity and innovation
process. Furthermore, the writer
employed the use of stratified random sampling in selecting the sample size for
the study. The writer formulated four
hypotheses in line with the problems and objectives of the study. However, the
researcher adopted the use of chi-square statistical test in testing the
hypothesis which the following results emerged: that motivational incentives
for creativity and innovation have encouraged the exploration of hidden talents
in the workplace, there is significant relationship between managers/leaders
and employees in promoting creativity and innovation, leaders setting ambitious
tasks on employees have reduced stress and hypotheses four indicate validates
by concluding that leaders involving their subordinates in decision making
process encourage the spirit of team work. Data collected were analyzed and
presented with tables and percentages.
In view of the findings made, the following recommendations accrued from
the result of the research work: that leaders be democratic in their leadership
styles as to create enabling environment to improve employees creative ability,
leaders should consult their staff in taking key decisions, team members as to
achieve set objectives and finally, leaders should give adequate support to their
employees when embarking on creative process.
It is obvious that by “creative”, we generally mean the words and pictures, the sound and the music, the models that are projected and maybe, even associations with such like supports, films and other personalities who typify such role model. This is understandable, after all, these are the most visible element of improving growth and development in organization.
Creativity is an asset impossible to financially quantify a prior in an organization (Amabile, 2002:52). Before a product or services is available to the market, and sales number are unveiled. No one can tell whether or not the money will be spent or completely wanted (Sutton; 2004:10).
as generally understood is only one, ever, if a very important component of
generating and designing of the service development. What is more at the very
beginning, must point that all the talent that creative young aspirants needs for jobs for manufacturing industries are not
for this highly demanding work (Cannon, 2005:98).
On the other hand, the opportunities that professional offers are more varied and creativity, more challenging in the wider sense of the term. In the context, it is necessary to be clear about what creativity really means. “To create” according to Oxford Advanced Dictionary means “Bring into existence, give rise to originate. The word “creation” means “creating, able to create, inventive, imaginative, showing imagination as well as routine skill. Of course even the Dictionary defining refers to it to an act of creating a part or a product created by a designer. The essential elements of creativity are really disciplined by routine skills.
sum of capital are not put into creativity (OECD, 2008). The reason for this is
as a result of the outwork of many markets today, not only are they highly
competitive but they are also very transmorphic. New demand appears
continuously, replacing old ones. New technology generate new problems as well
as opportunities to fix them. The ability to anticipate change by all means, or
to do something about it has more than ever became a critical factor for
survival (Boehlke, 2008:87).
So then, once you established that motivation is a necessity, the next question is, how do you do it? After collecting bright minds and states of the art technology the trick now is to maximize creativity as if it were a product. A leader who is the industry of innovation, has it means of production as people and their ability to think out brilliant ideas. But because creativity is a complex matter, it is intimately connected with human reflection and communication.
has been found to be linchpin of economic growth and lies behind improvements
in every aspects of modern life (Tushan and Aderson, 1996:613). As Chang
(2001:64) rightly point out, while size, scale and cost position are important
aspect of defining competitiveness especially when it boils down to innovation.
An organization’s ability to complete in
a fast changing world is defined by its programme for continuous quick and
inexpensive innovation. Regrettably, it is observed that many organizations due
to short term pressure or lack of understanding about how to innovate, rely instead on past
development. Among all organizational outputs, innovation is fundamental not
only in view of its
direct impact on the viability of firms but because of the profound effects on the paths of social and economic change (Sorenson, 2000:94).
The issue of creativity and innovation has posed a serious challenge in both private and public sector organizations in Nigeria, because leaders in these organizations have not embraced creative thinking. The complex nature of this subject matter makes it too difficult for many leaders and their staff (employees) to tackle this problem very appropriately. Due to the continuously increase in competition and rapid change in the market share, product/services and customers taste in the globally competitive market, leaders are required to have competence and ability to create and innovate in order to survive in the next millennium.
It is
against this background that the researcher envisaged the following problems
militating against the leadership role in promoting creativity and innovation
in Nigeria Breweries Plc (NBL).
-Shortage and inadequate funds
-Reluctant learners (in part of the staff) in organizations
-Shortage of scientific and technological manpower
The objective of the study is to: