Quality improvement is the only hope for work redemption, recognition of the need for change through systematic and planned development is therefore a strength that organisation must work hard for.
Organisation must work had and must be willing to plan and anticipate to develop, as this is vital in remaining ahead of others, maintaining a remarkable standard in the commercial sector and also to retain the trust which can be best motivate workers involved in personal terms.
Total quality management as a tool for enhancing organisational development can be used to achieve organisational efficiency.
According to Lysons (1996), total quality management is defined as a management philosophy and company practices that aim to harness the human and material resources of the organisation in the most effective way to achieve the objectives of the organisation.
We can as well describe total quality management as a way of managing an organisation so that every job, every process is carried out right, first time and every time.
From the above definitions, we can say that total quality management focuses their attention on the need that, it is the responsibility of every member of the organisation to generate quality awareness in all aspects, it involves efficient and effective use of both human and material, so as to understand the requirement of all customers or consumers both internal and external. Total quality management has to be in place for every organisation to achieve its quality objectives. Also organisation should not give room to any form of defect in quality at any point in time.
Total quality management pervades every process and job carried out in the organisation i.e. they give clear instructions or specification to suppliers both internal and external, also asses capability “are capable of doing this job correctly and effectively”. The organisation must emphases on commitment, communication and cultural change to bring out continuous improvement in product or service with the aid of team work system and tools.