Working environment Matters a lot to employee. For this reason it is of a great importance to improve the working environment of the employee. Due to this serious research has been done to improve the attitude of Nigeria civil servants and it has been observed that environment force have handicapped the Nigerian employees to day in attempts to achieve high productivity in their various organization.
However when working environment is improved the employees are motivated and productivity is increased too it is important to know that individual are motivated differently therefore the belief that it’s works environment and terms of employment of the workers or employee are met before the performance will improve.
As a result of the importance of working environment in an organization the researcher set out to achieve the following objectives.
1. To determine the performance of the employees and know whether they have positive or negative performance
2. To review the working environment of the employees with a riew of findings out its relationship with their performance
3. To know how ministry justifies the terms of employment as regards to fringe benefits salary review health services etc.
4. Based on the finding recommended possible ways of improving performance through encouraging working environments.
In attempts to accomplish the researcher collected both primary and secondary data from textbooks newspaper magazines and other publication information. Another important data were from interview.
The researcher outs the following
1. In the ministry of information motivation has not been increased over the years.
2. Incentives and fringe benefits are considered as motivation tools
3. Employees are motivated to improve interest in their problem and their working environment
In conclusion motivation and a healthy working environment are seen as necessary to enhance employees performance and productivity.
Looking at a group of people working at the same time one would observe that some people do it better than others some tends to show more interest in their work while some are uninterested. This behaviours raises some question and doubts on the observer why is it that some people like to work while other are not and are unwilling to work?
The reason for these are actions border on employee’s work environment the researcher means their environment with in the individual that directed aid or influence behaviour.
The environment can be substantive issue which concern actual terms and environment such as pay holidays fringe benefits. In terms of employment this realities or includes such things as wages hours of work leave and pay.
These will cover such item as environmental factors relevant to efficiency or enjoyment of job like safely health and welfare of the employees.
A group of psychologist has stressed the important of good working environment on the well being of the employee.
Bad working environment effects the moral of employees and tends to have a negative impact on their willingness to work when good working environment are neglected.
Obviously eye service lateness to work frustration sickness corruption stress laziness and dissatisfaction took over the system.