Title page
Cover page
Table of content
- Background of the study
1.2 Statement of problems
1.3 Objectives of the study
1.4 Research questions
1.5 Research hypothesis
1.6 Significance of the study
1.7 Limitations of the study
1.8 Definition of terms
- Brief introduction
2.2 Conceptual framework
2.3 General Effects of a Working Environment
2.4 Factors that influence employee’s productivity in a working environment
2.5 Good relations increase employee’s productivity in a workplace
2.6 The benefit of positive working environment
2.7 Safety working environment and employees Productivity
2.8 Summary
- Brief introduction
3.2 Research design
3.3 Area of study
3.4 Population of the study
3.5 Sample and sampling technique
3.6 Method of data collection
3.7 Description of instrument for data collection
3.8 Method of data analysis
3.10 Decision rule
- Brief introduction
4.2 Analysis of Questionnaire Administered
4.3 Data Analysis and Interpretation
4.4 Test of hypothesis
4.5 Discussion of findings
- Brief introduction
5.2 Summary of the Study
5.3 Conclusion
5.4 Recommendations
The organizations today consider employees as their top most priority. A lot of effort is put in order to attain, retain and motivate them. The traditional role is an employee is no more effective and the organizations are finding new ways of working. The key to organizational success is the competitive workforce. The organizations strive hard to align organizational strategies and objectives with employee’s behaviors in order to stay competitive. The way in which employee accomplish organizationally set goals and relate their interpersonal behaviors to the organizational norms can be termed as employee productivity.
Factors of workplace environment play an important role towards the employee’s productivity. The factors of workplace environment give an immense impact to the employee’s productivity either towards the negative outcomes or the positive outcomes (Chandrasekar, 2001). Over the last decades, the factors of work environment of the office workers had changed due to the changes in several factors such as the social environment, information technology and the flexible ways of organizing work processes (Hasun and Maklibug, 2005).
A lot of past research has been devoted towards the concept of employee productivity. Employee productivity was found to be related to a number of factors including conscientiousness, openness to experience, agreeableness and emotional stability. Environment literally means surroundings and all those things that impact human being during the life time are collectively known as environment. A working environment is the environment where people work together for achieving organization objectives. It means, systems, processes, structures and tools and all those things which interact with employees and affect in positive or negative ways on employees productivity. It can also be defined as the location where a task is completed. When studying place of employment, the work environment involves the physical geographical location as well as the immediate surroundings of the workplace such as a construction size or office buildings.
According to boles et al (2004), which the employee’s are physically and emotionally have the desire to work. Then their productivity outcomes shall be increased. Moreover, they also stated that by having a proper workplace environment. It helps in reducing the number of absenteeism and thus can increase the employees productivity which will leads to the increasing number of productivity at the workplace. Referring to this matter, research need to be done in order to identify the main contributor to the employees productivity and investigate on how the workplace environment in term of the job aid, supervisor support or relationship and physical work environment affect employees productivity at the workplace.
The concepts of “workplace productivity” means the factors of workplace that is being provided by the employers to their employees that could support the employees productivity at work (Clements-Croome, 2006). By having a high level productivity of employees, it will increase the company’s profit.
The workplace environment in a majority of ministry is unsafe and unhealthy. These includes poorly designed workstations, unsuitable furniture, lack of ventilation, inappropriate lighting, excessive noise, insufficient safety measures in fire emergencies and lack of personal protective equipment. People working in such environment are prone to occupational disease and it impacts thus reflect on employee’s productivity. Hence, productivity is decreased due to the workplace environment.
1.2 Statement of the Problem
The study was conducted to find out how employee’s productivity can be increased by developing a conducive working environment. The problems of inadequate working environment coupled with how productivity of workers in ministries is receiving increased serious attention in the state. Some of the reviewed studies done in MTN Nigeria have looked at workers productivity and working environment factors with limited information on the role of working environment and productivity of worker especially focusing on how working environment affect the availability, competence, productivity and responsiveness combine as they affect elements of productivity in the commission.
However, when there is a strong overturn of employee’s expectation on a workplace environment, the productivity of such workers are inadequate. Thus, they are not motivated to put in their best.
It is on this note; this research is being designed to address major issues confronting employees in their work environment. The study will also be interested in suggesting some solving measure on how to create and maintain a work environment that can bring out the best productivity from employees to boost organizational growth.
1.3 Objectives of the Study
The main aim of this study is to examine the effect of work environment on employee’s productivity. To be precise, the research paper would seek to fulfill the below listed objectives:
- To establish the relationship between a working environment and employee’s productivity.
- To analyze workplace factors affecting the employees productivity
- To examine whether a good working environment can enhance excellent employee’s productivity
- To suggest the measures to improve the working conditions for better productivity.
- To recommend solution to situations where work environment affect employee’s productivity.
1.4 Research Questions
For a meaningful research to be conducted, the following questions related to the study were asked:
- Do workers who work in a conductive working environment perform better than those who work in an hazardous working environment?
- To what extent does workplace factors influenced employee’s productivity?
- Can a good work environment bring out the best productivity from employees?
- To what extent does an improved work environment affect employee’s productivity?
1.5 Research Hypotheses
To answer the question above in section 1.4 more accurately which satisfy the objective of the research work, the following statement of hypotheses are set up as a guide to this research work.
The null hypothesis is denoted as “Ho” while the alternative hypothesis is denoted as “H1”.
- Hypothesis One:
Ho: A good working environment does not bring out the best productivity from employees.
H1: A good working environment brings out the best productivity from employees.
- Hypothesis Two
Ho: These are no significant difference between improved work environment and employee’s productivity.
H1: These are significant difference between improved work environment and employee’s productivity.
1.6 Significance of the Study
The work place environment in a majority of ministry is unsafe and unhealthy. These includes poorly designs workstations, unsuitable furniture, lack of ventilation, poor lighting system, excessive noise, insufficient safety measures in fire emergencies and lack of personal protective equipment. People working min such environment are prone to occupational disease and it impact often reflects and affects employee’s productivity. Thus, productivity is decreased due to the workplace environment. Therefore, the study will be relevance in the area of addressing some of the challenges confronted by employees in their workplace environment.
In general, it is hope that, this study will be of help to government, directors, employers and employees in the area of creating conducive environment/ motivation to employees for better productivities.
Lastly, it is believed that, this study will be of help to study of tertiary institution at various levels of learning, particularly, the department of business management as this study will be a useful reference material for further research in the related field.
1.7 Limitation of the Study
This research work would have been carried out in better way if not some challenges uncounted by the researcher.
- Lack of adequate fund for logistics and access to sufficient materials.
- Time constraint: owing to the fact that there would not be enough time to carryout adequate study on the topic because of lectures, assign other assignments, test in class etc; it became difficult for the researcher to concentrate mainly on the project study.
1.8 Definition of Terms:
- Employees: Employee is a group of people working for an organization or company or ministry.
- Physical Work Environment: Physical work environment is the environment where people are fit with their job. This physical work environment may include the lightings, ventilation and also the temperature. It is also the surroundings in which an employee’s operates.
- Productivity: Productivity is an act of measuring how well a person does a piece of work. It is also the amount of effort input by a person to achieve set goals.
- Employee’s Productivity: Employee’s productivity is theory in which employees accomplish organizationally set goals and relate their interpersonal behaviours to the organizational norms
- Organization: Organization can be seen as a body of persons organizes to achieve a common goal in a work environment.