This section reviews the works of authors in the area of availability of instructional materials; the section shall be treated under the following sub headings: Concept of learning among secondary school students Factors that AffectLearning of Business Studies Overview of Learning Theories Relevance of Audio Visual Aids in teaching of Business Studies
Instructional Aids and Teaching of Business Studies in secondary schools Summary of the Literature
2.1 Concept of Learning among Secondary School Students
Many psychologists have attempted to classify learning. This is because it is generally believed that the type of learning expected determines the method of teaching to adopt. The most popular classification of the domains of learning is that given by Bloom and his associates n 1956.They are the psychomotor domain which refers to development of manipulative or motor skills which require efficient co-ordination between our brains and muscles; the cognitive domain which refers to intellectual skills and abilities. It is achieved by mental processes such as reasoning remembering and recall; the active
domain which refers to changes in interest, attitudes and value which influence our personalities. In practice, there is to some extent an overlapping from one domain to the other. All forms of learning are in these three domains. It is your responsibility to select appropriate techniques that would facilitate learning. Students have many responsibilities with regard to their learning, students who make the eort required to succeed n school and who are able to apply themselves will soon discover that there is a direct relationship between this eort and their achievement , and will therefore be more motivated to work. There will be some students however, wNho will find it more difficult to take responsibility for their learning because of special challenges they face. For these students, the attention, patience, and encouragement of teachers can be extremely important factors for success. Taking responsibility for their own progress and learning is an important part of education for all students, regardless of their circumstances. Mastery of all concepts and skills in business studies require a sincere commitment to work, study and the development of appropriate skills. Teachers are responsible for developing appropriate instructional strategies to help students to achieve the curriculum expectations, as well as appropriate methods for assessing and evaluating student