The primary purpose of this study is to ascertain the impact of motivation as a process towards governing individual choice among different forms of voluntary activities. Motivation can be described as that which causes, channels and sustains people behavior. According to Hoy and Micskel (1987) sees motivation as a complete force, drives, needs, tension states or other mechanisms that start and maintain activity towards the achievement of personal goals.
Title page
Certification ii
Dedication iii
Acknowledgement iv
Abstract v
Table of contents vi
1.0 Introduction 1
- Background of the study 1
- Statement of problems 6
- Objectives of the study 6
- Research questions 7
- Significance of the study 7
- Scope of the study 8
- Limitations of the study 8
- Definition of terms 9
- Literature Review 13
- Introduction 13
- The civil servant condition of service during
Colonial era 32
2.3 Motivation-A theoretical discourse 34
2.4 Abraham Maslow hierarchy of needs theory 39
2.5 fredrickherzer”s two factors theory 40
2.6 Douglas McGregor’s x and theory y 43
2.7 The concept of productivity 44
- Research design and methodology 48
- Introduction 48
- Research design 48
- Methods of data collection 49
- Population and sample size 50
- Sampling techniques 50
- Validity and reliability of measuring instrument 51
- Method of date analysis 52
- Presentation and analysis of date 53
- Introduction 53
- Presentation of data 53
- Analysis of data 54
- Interpretation of results 59
- Summary, conclusion and recommendation 62
- Introduction 62
- Summary of findings 62
- Conclusion 64
- Recommendations 65
References 68
Ideally, the task of Administration is to develop the taste for good working condition and for government to develop workers who are able to tailor and utilize the resources in the working society to their own needs by K.P. Cross. Motivation will always need the timeliness, sensitivity and vision that any effective relationship with human growth and individuality demands. A logical and seductive assumption is neatly and nicely come along as well (Deci 1980). Nergas (1977) noted that when workers feel a strong need for what they are doing and the programmes is well planned and stimulating with adequate informational feed back the easier the motivation to work increase. If this were not so, motivation would not be the epidemic concern it is for managers, industry, if this and business are filled with well designed efficient programmes that are not very motivative part of problem, is efficiency itself motivation taken people to people skill and time. Like a good conversation, it cannot be rushed. The best way to see a motivational strategy as an investment, it pays dividends but often not immediately. Also because what motivates people is often beyond the intent structure of the knowledge or skill they are performing, it means managers gave to plan for motivation in its right it cannot be taken for granted (Johnson Johnson, 1982).
The time continue model of motivation is an organizational aid for motivation planning. It is a systematic structure for introducing or applying motivation strategies through working sequence (Sounders, 1981) sand described motivation as an organizational aid and motivation planning as designing and organizing instruction so that the development and enhancement of work motivation is an essential part of it. He also stressed that the time continue model of motivation helps managers to programmatically strategies from the beginning to the end of the work or project sequence so that a network of motivational influence in formulated.
Pursuing common objectives of the business which they were paid to serve According to Wloodknowskit (1989) the main criteria for successful motivation planning, no matter what the instructional plan may be, is that each time phrase (beginning, during, and ending) of the sequence of instruction for the particular project includes significant positive motivation influence on the workers. He further listed out six basics question for motivation planning as follows:
- What can I do establish a positive working attitude for the programmes?
- How do I meet the needs of my workers throughout the working sequence?
- What about the working conditions that will stimulate my workers?
- How does this working pattern increase or affect workers feeling of competence?
- How this working pattern does provide for my workers?
Knowles (1980) contended that when a worker is motivated, they work harder, learn, more have sources of enjoyment and achievement, and want to continue working. A manager working with motivated worker finds instruction more successful achieves greater satisfaction and avoids burnout.
Based on the above, it is difficult to understand whether ministry of education Enugu is achieving its objectives or not. Moreover, issue of threats of retrenchment of workers has kept workers in fear and the position of the ministry among the top ones in the country has fallen liquidity experience, encountered, this indicate some strength and weakness, efficiency and different hence even salaries are delayed.
We cannot talk about motivation of staff in the civil service without talking about the ministries that integrated to form the civil service ministry of education among other ministries, could be said to be exceptional in the sense. That is purely associated with acquiring and imparting knowledge and skills be it formal, non-formal or informal. It could be said to be the bedrock of other ministries in so far as other staff and employers in other ministry have passed through its one over or another in the course of acquiring knowledge, so it is a pivot on which other ministries revolves.
Education ministry as old as civilization, this is because civilization started with exhibiting extra knowledge to better conditions of living narrowed down to Nigeria, the ministry of Education Enugu could be seen to be as old as the advent of the Europeans or colonial masters (Fafunwa A.B. 1974). They brought the idea of acquiring a ministry to be solely in charge. It came to line light when the country was operating under the regional system, where we had Directorate of Eructation to three and later four regions of the country. This later metamorphosed to ministries in 1967 with 12 states in the country
It appears that the resources for serious operation for motivating staff in ministry of Education are inadequate; there is the problem of motivating planning that liquidity and late payment of salaries occur. The problem of running ministry by the management consultants.