The resources on the internet are many and varied and have over time been updated to meet the ever increasing technological needs in the educational sector. Students are meant to familiarize themselves with these resources so that they can succeed in today’s world of work. Gender remains an issue in the use of ICTs particularly in the use of internet resources. This study was carried out to investigate the influence of gender on the consumption pattern of internet resources for learning among students in the University of Port Hracourt. The study is a descriptive one of the survey type. Stratified random sampling technique was used in selecting 220 students (99 males and 121 females) from five faculties namely the faculties of Business and Social Science, Education, Information and Communication Science, Law and Science. Data was collected using a researcher designed questionnaire titled “Questionnaire on Consumption Pattern of Internet Resources for Learning among Students”. Research data was analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics, simple percentage and chi-square. The findings from the analysis revealed that majority of the students consumed the various resources on the internet. The chi-square results also showed that there was no significant difference in the consumption pattern of both male and female students. Conversely, the results also pointed out that there was indeed a significant difference between the course of study and problems encountered in the use of internet resources for learning among students. Based on these findings, it was recommended that all students should pass through a formal training process in the use of internet resources for their learning purposes. Also, a wider distribution network to ensure easy access to these resources should be provided. It was also suggested that workshops and symposia should be organized with the assistance of experts in order to educate students on the benefits of their dexterity in the use of internet resources. Finally, further studies on the consumption pattern of internet resources for learning among students should be carried out in other universities as well.