It has been argued that the success and effectiveness of an organization are not determined solely by the abilities and competencies of the employees and management alone, the environment also has profound effect on company operations. Based on these facts therefore, this research work was undertaken to analyze the impact of environmental factors on organizational performance using ABC Transport Company as the case study. In carrying out this work, 154 copies of the questionnaires were distributed to the company understudy, and to test the validity of the assumption, an hypothesis was formulated for this study.
The chi-square (X2) statistical tool was used the major finding of this work can be summarized as follows; organizational performance and organizational structure influences corporate performance of ABC Transport company. After the analysis, it was discoursed that the x2 test statistics is greater than the critical value leading to the rejection of Ho. In other, the alternative was accepted and it was concluded that “environmental factors has significant impact on organizational performance. Finally, it was recommended that the management of the company could perform their task effectively, by having a good and clear understanding of the environment variables, this will inturn increase productivity, thereby achieving its set objectives.
Title page
Certification = = = = = = = i
Dedication = = = = = = = ii
Acknowledgment = = = = = = iii
Abstract = = = = = = = = iv
Table of contents = = = = = = v
Chapter one
- Background = = = = = = 1-3
1.1 Historical background of the study = = 3-5
1.2 Statement of the problem = = = 5-6
- Objective of the study = = = = 7
- Significance of the study = = = = 8-9
1.5 Scope of the study = = = = = 9
1.6 Research questions = = = = = 10
1.7 Research hypothesis = = = = = 10
1.8 Limitations of the study = = = = 10
- Definition of terms = = = = = 11
Chapter two
2.0 Literature review = = = = = 12
Introduction = = = = = = 12-14
2.1 Business environment = = = = = 14-17
2.2 Environmental factors affecting
organizational performance. = = = = 17
- Internal environment = = = 18-21
2.2.2 External environment = = = 22
2.2.3 Task environment = = = = 2-25
2.2.4 General environment = = = 25-26
2.2.5 Economic environment = = = 26-28
2.2.6 Implications of the economic environment.
= = = = = = = = 29-30
2.2.7 Political environment = = = 30-34
2.2.8 Implications of the political environment
= = = = = = = 34-35
2.2.9 The regulatory (Legal) Environment = 35-7
2.2.10 Social-cultural environment = = = 37-39
2.2.11 Technology environment = = = 39-41
2.2.12 The market 1 competitive environment Industries
= = = = = = = = = 41-42
2.2.13 Implication of market/competitive
environment practical example. = = = = 42-48
2.5 Strategic responses to the environment
Environment analysis = = = =48-52
2.6.1 Environmental as canning technologies = 52-54
2.7 Organization effectiveness = = = 54-56
Chapter three
3.0 Research methodology = = = = 57
3.1 Research design/method used = = 58
3.2 Population of the study and sample
Size determination = = = = = 59
- Sample size of the study = = = 59-60
3.3 Sampling methods and techniques = 61
3.4 Research instrument = = = 61-62
- Reliability of measuring instruments = 62
- Methods of data collection = = 62-63
- Source of data = = = = = 63-65
3.5.2 Secondary source of data = = 65
- Data analysis techniques = = 65-67
Chapter four
Data presentation, analysis and interpretation
= = = = = = = = = 68-78
- Test of hypothesis = = = = = 79-83
Chapter five
5.0 Summary, conclusion and recommendation 84-85
- Conclusion = = = = = = 86
5.2 Recommendation = = = = = 86-88
- Suggestions for future research = = 89
Bibliography = = = = = = = 90
The environment is a major source of uncertainty to a business manager and as such, it influences the design of any organization and the configuration of organizational structure (Akanwa, 200:59). Environment could also be regarded as a combination natural object ( living and non living things) made by human and the inter-relationship between them and various circumstance that surround people on earth (Ohazurikke 2003:59)
Business exists in an environment that consist of factors and forces that are external to the firm. In pursuance of its objective, an organization cannot achieve its objectives without interacting with other members of the environment. An organization and its environment are inter-dependent; the organization depends on its environment for the source and opportunities necessary for the sources and opportunity necessary for its existence. Furthermore the environment determines the limits of the organization activities for example, the passing of a new law by government may make certain business in Nigeria either fold-up or join another line of business (Alugbo 2002:1). The environment sources of growth may therefore be internal or external. Both have impact on the organization.